Red Flags to Look Out for in Moving and Storage Services – Legal Videos

There are some red flags that you should be looking at when dealing with storage and moving companies.

Scams possible
1. Prices for bait and switches
2. Extra charges
3. Weighting of property using cubic feet
4. Not a moving company, instead a broker who can assist you in finding the best agent

Warn signs
1. There is no proof of existence, namely the absence of information such as a physical address and registration, on the website.
2. Instead of receiving a call estimate, you can request an inside-house, signed and written estimate.
3. Massive down payments are not allowed . The total amount should be between 10% to 20%
4. Don’t make bids you don’t recognize.
5. Does not provide the customer with copies of the Federal brochure “Ready to move”.
6. Quotes are not subject to change even though they promise they will. However, quotes can vary based upon personal property.
7. It promises that all of it is covered – only up to 60% of the cost is covered.
8. Only cash is accepted – select moving companies that only accept credit cards.
9. trucks that aren’t marked may be connected to thefakes and frauds.
10. Fake reviews – avoid Yelp and use the Better Business Bureau (BBB) website for reviews instead.

Check the FMCSA license number to confirm whether they’re in the process of in the process of moving. Verify with BBB to determine the letter grade of their professional memberships. 52degt3b6j.

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