What Happens in a Car Accident? – Car Stereo Wiring

How much energy is generated by cars and what it can do to the vehicle you drive in the event of a collision. This video dissects the physics of a car accident.

One liter of gasoline will provide more power than a kilogram of the explosive. It is then burned for the purpose of giving your car movement. Even though only 20% of gasoline can be transformed into mechanical energy (joules) but it generates a lot of energy. The minuscule amount of gasoline required to propel a vehicle that is up to 60 kph generates exactly the same force as throwing an elephant off a three story building.

In order to stop the car to stop, the entire energy required must be directed to a destination. The energy from the brakes will be converted to heat once the vehicle is stopped. In the event of a crash, the energy will be converted into heat in the breaks.

The frames of cars have been designed to be twisted to the maximum extent possible so that they can release the force. However, the impact of the force can cause injury to sensitive human organs including the brain. The frame is specially designed to provide an extremely steady rate of deceleration , which reduces the majority of the damage.

For more details for more information, watch the video in the link above.


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