What Russian Shopping Malls Are Like After Sanctions – Andre Blog

ot about the way the Russian economy works. Due to the crimes committed against Ukraine as well as the deterioration of Ukraine’s economy, several western-based restaurants and stores are moving out of Russia. In the process of pulling away from Russia there are clear gaps in the products that are available to Russian customers.

The gap is particularly apparent These gaps are especially evident Russian shopping malls. Though the majority of the shops in these malls are Russian retail outlets that are unaffected by the sanctions, there are also clearly closing stores that are from that of the West. While these shops have some merchandise left inside, they are now closed to the general public. The store is closed as a result rapid corporate decision-making to exit the Russian market.

The mall featured in the clip is filled despite the sanctions and other changes that have been made to the Russian economy. The people are still eating in restaurants around the area and buying goods from local shops. Certain European stores are open.

Overall, while the effects of the sanctions are evident on Russian shops, Russians are still able to shop, eat, and entertain themselves much as they used to. pgkmpzwxsv.

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